Microsoft and Maybelline market makeup, micromanaging mini-shifts, and the remote rumble rages on...
Demand for software developers outstrips supply, despite AI
Mother nature says not-so-fast, return-to-office policy makers
Boring open office plans, playlists affect focus, and big tech is messing with your clocks
No AI for Googlers, 92% of developers use AI to code, Apple's Zoom killer
With Google's severe new return to office policy, will this mean the end of remote work as we know it?
In a world forever accelerating, the rarest resource is rest.
As social media continues to be a disaster, can we do better this time with AI?
The AI boom is only now possible because of... COVID??
Subbing your work out to AI is brilliant - until it isn't
The AI winner may not be Google or OpenAI -- it might just be open source.
Common sense tells us we should manage from data -- so why are all of us so miserable?